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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Equal Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Equal Opportunity - Essay Example The 'equal access' mentioned may then be applied to the circumstances in which individuals receive their education, it being argued that equal opportunity in the test requires equal opportunity to acquire the skills to be tested. This may lead to a demand for equal conditions in the period before the rationing, or a demand that, because those conditions have not in fact been equal, the procedure take account of the previous relative lack of resources or opportunities of some competitors by discriminating in their favour (Political Dictionary). In the simplest terms, hiring someone based solely on ethnicity, gender, age, religion, political affiliation or sexual orientation is equally as wrong as refusing to hire a person for the same reasons. Equal opportunity practices include those that are race-blind or gender-blind, and those that involve or require affirmative action or reverse discrimination (referred to as 'positive discrimination' in the UK). The United States1 federal govern ment and various state and local governments require affirmative action in governmental hiring and contracting (Equal). ... Equal opportunity is often criticized on utilitarian grounds because the burden of equal opportunity regulations results in decreased productivity of the businesses, thus reducing well-being of all classes. But, the concept of Equal Opportunity requires that legal censure be taken against those who do not give up their prejudices. Legal censure by the state is objectionable to some. However, in the absence of Equal Opportunity, legal censure would also have to be taken against social and religious activists who aim for equality in society. Equal Opportunity is often considered separate from basic Freedoms. For example, Freedom of Speech is usually not within the realm of Equal Opportunity but rather within basic rights. Equal Opportunity consists of additional elements crucial to a meritocracy, such as: Consideration for employment, housing, and education free from immutable characteristics such as race, age, or disability; Equal access to goods and services from the government The term "equal opportunity" is synonymous with "non-discrimination". Social equity in the labour market is a stronger requirement: it implies that the benefits of employment are broadly and equitably distributed (Report, 1996). Social equality is a social state of affairs in which certain different people have the same status in a certain respect, at the very least in voting rights, freedom of speech and assembly, the extent of property rights as well as the access to education, health care and other social securities. Thus, in practice, equal opportunity is said to exist when people with similar abilities reach similar results after doing a similar amount of work. Indeed, equal opportunity and equality of outcome are often seen as complementary. Equal
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Australian Carbon Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Australian Carbon Policies - Essay Example It supports a reporting system on carbon emissions and is the most conspicuous regulation of carbon emissions in use to date. The Australian parliament did introduce a system for controlling the renewal of energy by passing the amendment on the energy targets. It provides that renewable sources of energy will produce approximately 20% of the nationââ¬â¢s electric power by the year 2020 (McKinsey, 2007). 1.1 The Current Legislation for Reporting Carbon Emission Data Since the beginning of the month of July in the year 2008, the Australian government did require that organizations provide precise information about their greenhouse emissions (Unerman, 2007). The stateââ¬â¢s legislative body did pass a law for regulating the reporting of emissions from greenhouses under the 2007 act on National Greenhouse reports. The administrators of this piece of legislation are the climate change department. The challenges coming from greenhouse emissions are under the regulation of the Water, Environment, Heritage and Arts division of the government (McKinsey, 2007). The government and various industries across the nation did take a deliberate initiative to regulate the number of emissions through the Greenhouse challenge plus scheme. ... This tax is payable by the large companies that are responsible for the emissions in the environment. It suggests that companies producing more than twenty five thousand tons of carbon should pay a total of twenty three dollars for each ton they produce. The tax proposal has the purpose of providing effectiveness in reducing the costs that the regime incurs in fight against greenhouse emissions (Schaltegger, Burritt and Petersen, 2008). These taxes do assist the administration in collecting information about the major emitters who do not pay up for their mistakes. The finances that come from this tax are usually put to the use of improving public institutions such as hospitals. This proposal does assist the administration in knowing the big carbon emitters within their economies. It also helps the leaders in knowing the amount of carbon emissions in their environment (Gray, 2000). 1.3 The Relationship between the Current and Proposed Carbon Policies and Environmental Management Accou nting. The use of environmental management accounting involves the application of the regular methods of identification, analyzing, managing and reduction of costs. This is done in ways that will benefit both the companies and their surroundings. This form of accounting is useful in identifying the matters affecting the implementation of the policies which aim at reducing the amounts of carbon emissions. These matters include the health crisis and safety problems that arise as a result of the emissions and the ignorance of the companies to the legislation (Gray, 2000).Ã
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Effectiveness Of The Violence Against Women Act Criminology Essay
The Effectiveness Of The Violence Against Women Act Criminology Essay This paper will examine intimate partner violence and two programs that have been adopted to improve this wide-spread mounting issue. This paper looks at the Violence against Women Act signed by congress in 1994 and its effectiveness as well as the results of mandated batterer intervention programs in the United States. Studies gathered for both programs are used to determine benefits and disadvantages of continued funding. The overall methods used to determine improvement and the limitations of conducting such studies are also explored. The research considered determines that while the above mentioned programs have only been in place a short while, have many merits. The Violence against Women Act has made women safer and helped bring about social change and batterer intervention programs produce a positive effect in men who abuse. It is determined after reviewing studies that both programs are inter-related, needed and deserve support and increased funding. The Effectiveness of the Violence against Women Act and Batterer Intervention Programs to Improve Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence This paper will examine intimate partner violence and two programs that have been adopted to improve this wide-spread mounting issue. When encountering domestic violence women have two choices, leaving or staying. If they leave they often become the sole bread winner and enter the secondary labor market with low pay, no medical benefits, and encounter a glass ceiling if they do rise in economic status. Being economically discriminated against as a result of the feminization of poverty, often results in the need for assistance (Karger Stoesz, p.79). For some it means trying to access the shrinking welfare system that now has time limits, further hindering their ability to gain training or education to maintain or move up in economic status. Others can become impoverished when their partner leaves or is removed, and turn to illegal means for survival for themselves and their children. Program One: The Violence against Women Act In 1994 as a result of feminists outcry Congress produced a bill that President Clinton signed, the Violence against Women Act (VAWA). The law only 16 years old continues; it has strengthened state laws for protection to women in numerous ways. It defines domestic violence to include same sex or cohabitating couples and made restraining and stalking orders available nationwide. It has special safety provisions for the elderly and disabled. It seeks to keep women safe by funding programs to end sexual assault; its laws protect against violence and discrimination in public, at home, and work. In addition it covers immigrant women and their children (Hyunkag Wilke 2005, p.126). It additionally provides funding for battered women shelters, hot lines, and community justice efforts to prosecute and hold financially responsible perpetrators for victimizing women (Karger Stoesz, p.78). The VAWA instituted comprehensive methods to protect victims through a community coalition of prosecutors , advocates, judges and police. Methods enacted forbid the ownership of guns by persons with restraining orders, mandated arrest, and most importantly made intimate partner violence against the law. Moreover it strengthened law enforcement providing equal justice for women, and funded tracking DV perpetrators in a national crime data base. Funding and implementing the VAWA promoted education and training for judges and had them remand perpetrators to batterer intervention programs which had started in some locals in the late 1970s (Hyunkag Wilke 2005, p.126). Hyunkag and Wilke studied the VAWA program in 2005 for the College of Social Work at Florida State University using 2,368 victim incident files, and data from the National Crime Victims Survey from 1992 through 2003. A limitation was that only half of the victims reported something worth considering (Hyunkag Wilke, 2005 p.128-129). The study used an interrupted time series design comparing four variables (age, race, marital status, and education) to yearly DV incidence reports. Research questions were: Did VAWA reduce DV and increase perpetrator arrest? Did it cause more incident reporting and contact with criminal justice? The study used U.S. Census population data and divided it by Bureau of Justice Statistics of DV incidents. The same method was used for contact with other support services (Hyunkag Wilke 2005, p.130-131). The samples from individuals over 18 years old showed rates have gradually lowered through the trend started prior to VAWA. Since VAWAs enactment funding has t aken a devolution track with states given more responsibility with funding through block grants. In its first year Burt et al found (as cited in Hyunkag Wilke, 2005 p.127) by five years $1.6 billion had been granted to states. The authors attribute the minimal change after VAWAs implementation to an implausible lag of effect or changes ongoing before VAWA such as available safe shelters. Furthermore it seems criminal justice intervention via batterer programs and state mandatory arrest laws, were already producing change. Program Two: Batterer Intervention Programs Intimate partner violence is predominately perpetrated by men. Batterer intervention programs are preventative in fomenting behavior change in abusers who would normally continue to use violence. Adams found in 1988 (as cited by Gondolf 2004, p.606) that batterer intervention programs (BIPs) were an outgrowth of the womens movement. Initially intervening in DV with remedial safe shelters victims advocates started furthering their mission seeking ways to change batterer behavior through counseling in the late 1970s. Because most victims return to, or continue to live with their abusers, a behavioral change in men is warranted. BIPs results are controversial and many believe that batterers cannot change causing mental health researchers to seek empirical best practices. E.W. Gondolf has researched BIP effectiveness for over 25 years. He performed a quasi-meta-analysis of research to date in 2003 for The Mid-Atlantic Addictions Training Institute and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He found interventions for batterers share many of the difficulties found in alcohol, drug, depression and sex offender populations (Gondolf 2004 p.607). Research has used different designs and measures of non-uniform subject cohorts producing contrary results from different studies. Different men or settings give different results. Divergent ingredients and proportions make a unique cake. His study argues that different locations for programs have differencing levels of community involvement. The wide ranging skills of members in domestic violence councils, counseling firms or courts affect outcomes. Gladwell in 2000 (as cited, Gondolf 2004 p.608) explains the problem is how to measure the synergistic effect. Dobosh et al (as cited, Gondolf 2004 p.608) say different p atterns and levels of abuse are like constellations (controlling behavior, verbal abuse, and threats) which assault the tip of the iceberg. Another problem with study design is how long of a period with no violence supports a claim of program success. He feels to be realistic studies must shift from cumulative outcomes to longitudinal retrospective ones. Additionally, is a reduction of violence a success? A compounding problem is men who drop out, drink or do drugs, and whether to count them in outcomes (Gondolf 2004, p.611-612). In summation Gondolf endorses using a dose response approach by modeling techniques to create a context that simulates a control group that quantifies collaborative influences. The four year multi site evaluation funded by the Center for Disease Control was designed to answer questions of program outcomes. Additionally researchers used interviews with female partners of participants to increase the qualitative results. He found: a marked de-escalation in re-assault and abuse of other forms. Re-assaults happened 70% of the time while participants were in the program, suggesting a need to monitor more during treatment rather than after. Another researcher, Jones, in 2000 (as cited by Gondolf 2004 p.617) found the costs of treatment were economically better than the alternatives of probation or jail. The research revealed that when program participants were coerced into attendance by regular review like drug courts a 70% program completion rate was attained. Further suggestions from research were identifying high risk individuals such as antisocial personality types and remanding them to more intensive and longer treatment (Gondolf 2004 p.619-621). Other study results suggest the abusive personality type has not been found but the best predictor is the womans perception. The most surprising finding was the program effect caused the vast majority of men to stop their abuse and assaults (Gondolf 2004 p.612-623). Conclusion: Evaluating research shows batterer intervention programs produce a positive effect in men who abuse; more so when there is a collaborative effort with all parties actively involved. All said the batterer also has buy in; the problem lies there. When there is a community pressure change is more likely; social education and influences must increase. The Violence against Women Act, also has made women safer and helped induce social change. Both programs are inter related, needed and deserve support. Aside from the huge economic costs, the pain and suffering of domestic violence is passed from generation to generation. When victims are empowered by the support of the community, criminal justice, advocates and social workers change can happen. The results of programs such as the two reviewed are not the end of the mission, but more like the first steps. Furthermore perpetrators need more monitoring while in programs designed to protect women. The two programs examined have only been in place a short time but have many merits of which to be proud. Research shows batterer intervention programs do produce results, but one approach is not shared by all helping hands. Helpers in the domestic violence field need increased support, training and direction. In general more research is needed and studies must be constructed with uniformity among subject groups. The future will be safer when domestic violence is better understood and is no longer such a drain on our nations economic and social health.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Marranos: A Lost People :: essays research papers
Marranos: A Lost People Some people might call them New Jews, some New Christians, and others call them Marranos. The majority of the world population has no idea who the Marranos are. To begin to explain these secret people, one must first receive a lesson in World History. We will begin in the 1492. In school, we are brainwashed to connect the year 1492 with the year that Columbus discovered the New World. Yet, if we look at the year 1492, there are other occurrences which are noteworthy. For instance, in the year 1492, Spain, the country which sent Columbus to America, decided to officially expel the Jews from Spain. The Jews were forced to either leave Spain, convert to Catholicism, or be put to death. This was not a surprise to the Jews of Spain. Since 1931, there had been anti-Jewish riots throughout Spain. For years, the Jews had been converting to Christianity to escape religious persecution. These Jews were called conversos. The twist to this tale is that these conversos actually were only putting on a front. They still considered themselves Jews. They practiced in secret.1 The Spanish made every attempt to search out and punish these conversos. Some Jews chose not to convert and they moved to Portugal. . Unfortunately, Portugal, in 1497, expelled the Jews from its borders as well. Anti-semitism was growing in Western Europe and the Jews needed to escape. The prime choice seemed to be so obvious. The Jews went to the New World. The immigration of the Marranos to the new world might have begun with none other than Christopher Columbus. This, of course, is not definite, but there has been research which has shown that Columbus was indeed a Marrano. Apparently his parents were Marranos.2 Even though there are some disagreements about this fact, there is strong evidence to support the claim that Columbus was Jewish. As the Marranos arrived in the New World, they were not able to reveal their secret identities and practice as Jews. This was because the Spanish government established inquisition offices in the New World. These office's sole responsibility was to hunt down Marranos and bring them to justice. The inquisitors had to visit every town once a year and gather evidence of "non- believers" of the church. They would reward anyone who came forth with information. The information could be days old or forty years old, it made no difference to the Inquisitors. The punishments for being caught were varied, never merciful. The mildest form of punishment was Scourging. This was when the victim was forced to strip to the waist in public and receive hundreds of lashes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Successful College Student Essay
Successful means accomplishing or achieving an aim or a goal, a purpose. A College is an educational institution which can gain knowledge by students. Student can further their education at college after graduated from high school or secondary school. Student is the one who is studying at a school or a college, and student can also defined as a learner. College student can take any courses that they are interested in a college or university. Students who choose to further their study in college is the most important steps to being success, and successful college student is start from choosing the correct subject, which is the student wanted or interested in the subject. But a lot of the students are studying the subject that their parents want them to study, but not the subject that they want. Choose the correct subject is the first steps of being success, so you must fight for it, because you are allowed to decide your future. There are a lot of types of student in the college, different types of student have different kind of goal or aim. But most of the studentsââ¬â¢ goal is to be a successful college student. To be a successful college student is not that easy, some of the students think that get well result in their academic is consider a successful student. , but this idea is definitely wrong. A successful college student does not mean the smartest in the class, the best result in academic student, the word ââ¬Å"successâ⬠means success in various aspects. A successful student must set realistic goals and targets to motivate themselves. Although goals must be challenging but must be realistic, do not set the goals which are impossible to achieve. Goals should be measurable and specific, better to include a deadline for accomplishment. Short-term goals or small goals is easily to complete and can be accomplished quickly. Short-term goals can be set by monthly, weekly, or even tough daily, such as hand in assignment on time, do extra exercise, or master in a new chapter and etc. However, a student must have the act and behavior like a student in the college. At college, some of the students attend to class late or refuse to attend class, especially the subject which cannot forbid student to the final exam. The successful student must attend every class on time, unless have forgivable reason. Next, good student should be sit in front of the class, listen every word from lecturer and try to understand it. Students should not be afraid to ask when donââ¬â¢t understand on something, if student is having difficulty on study can always take advantage of the tutoring session, it is useful and beneficial to student. Besides, prepare before the class started and take the note down when the lecturer is explaining, then review after class, do more than just listened is one of the tips to become successful. Spend around 30-45minutes to review all the notes which have been taken in the class, and try to understand concepts instead of memorize all the details, use the shortcut learning skill in study, because successful student must work smart but not work hard. And then, hand in all the work that given by the lecturer on time, because successful student will take responsibility for their education. They donââ¬â¢t even waste a minute with doing nothing. To become a successful college student must learn on time management. Properly manage the time between study and also fun time. Set a weekly schedule which contains study time, fun time, sport time, and also family time. Although sometime we have not enough time for us to do what we want to do, but we must give a little time for our family, even though a period of dinner time. Study is very important to a student, but the over study will lead to the worse situation. In fact, donââ¬â¢t forget to relax from the challenging study, take a short break between study sections, and have a good rest for further journey. Furthermore, good looking is not the must, but good dressing is the must. Student must have the look of student, not to wear like a hoodlum, they should always keep ourselves neat and clean. Have at least one time bath everyday to keep ourselves clean, and wash and change the clothes everyday, do not wear same cloth in two days. Otherwise, keep ourselves health is also one of the steps to be a successful college student. Successful student should always keep their energy in high level, for instance, have 8 hours sleeping time for everyday, keep doing exercise everyday or at least 4 days in a week. Donââ¬â¢t always skip meal with the reason busy or no time to eat, eat three meals a day is the must and eat well with healthy food but not fast foods. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, a successful student should always have the positive mind thinking and stay free from drugs and also alcohol. Drugs and alcohol will affect our brain and slowed our reaction, in long-term, our brain will damaged. Communication skill is the worse skills of student nowadays, student do not know how to communicate with each other, they communicate well with using online chatting, email or sms, but not proper speaking with each other. Successful student must be good in communication and socialize skills. To improve the skills, involve yourself in different kind of activities, such as become member in a club, join community, and etc. Moreover, involve yourself in the camp can train your leadership, leadership is very important, because he or she carries the risk of whole group. Besides that, friendship can also be create on the camp activities, all of the student will work together and help out each other to complete a mission that given by tutor. While they are completing the mission, the solving skill of student has been trained. Communication and participation skills will be improved when accomplishing a mission or an activity, because they will discuss to solve the problem that face by them together. Camping really brings a lot of advantages and it helps students to gain extra skills, create a large social network, which might lead student to become successful. The good activities are good for us but must not involve yourself in illegal activities such as gambling, fighting, stealing and etc, it might get you in to trouble. Study is good but not just concentrate on it only, try to have fun during college, but fun time and serious time must manage wisely, not too concentrate on study and left out community and time for fun. A suitable reward for the hard work of many nights are needed to a student to relax our stress and refresh our messy mind. Conclusion, tips to become successful college student have been mentioned on above. Although no one is perfect, but every students have to try their best to achieve their goal, which is to became a successful student. Finally, a successful college student must have a good behavior, even you are a talent, good behavior is very important, because how you treat people, is the same way how people treat you back. The last tip for student is learn how to learn, because a great education is one of the most important things in our life.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Les Miserables Essay
In Victor Hugoââ¬â¢s novel Les Miserableââ¬â¢s, one character plays a part in each of the other characterââ¬â¢s lives. Cosette, a little girl, is created to develop the rest of the ââ¬Å"miserablesâ⬠throughout the book. Fantine, Cosetteââ¬â¢s mother, digs herself into the shameless lifestyle of prostitution and poverty, while trying to support Cosette. The Thenardiers become her home while her mother leaves in search for work. There, Cosette is used to clean and work. Through Cosette, the Thenardierââ¬â¢s are shown as they beat and punish Cosette, their ââ¬Å"slaveâ⬠. Jean Valjean uses Cosette in a different way.He takes her in as his ââ¬Å"daughterâ⬠and finds companionship through her. Cosette is loved and cared for. As Cosetteââ¬â¢s character develops she is passed along from a pitiful mother who cannot support her; to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s who beat and starve her; then, to Jean Valjean who takes Cosette in where she becomes his everything. F antine, desperately in love with a man, Felix Tholomyes, whose feelings vary from hers, and yet she bears his child despite his fickle appearance. The illegitimate child, Cosette, is the outcome of her dying love toward him.Cosette is used to show Fantine as a ââ¬Å"miserable. â⬠Fantine leaves Cosette with the Thenardierââ¬â¢s and goes in search for a job to support Cosette. As Cosetteââ¬â¢s character grows, she reveals how pitiful Fantine becomes. Fantineââ¬â¢s devotion for Cosette, a little girl who is too young to give anything back in return, exposes us to one of the themes being forced to consider throughout the book, unrequited love. ââ¬Å"My child in not cold anymore, I dressed her in my hair. â⬠Fantine does everything she can to work for money to support Cosette. She sacrifices her hair so that Cosette will have clothes.Without Cosette Fantine could live her life for herself. She puts all her effort into a child that she does not see and which the chil d does not know who she is. The child, Cosette, is a symbol of all the love and everything Fantine put into a man who gave her nothing back. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character is used merely to show Fantine as she goes through life and through each step as she puts something into someone else, how ââ¬Å"miserableâ⬠she becomes. As the Thenardierââ¬â¢s continue to send Fantine bills for Cosetteââ¬â¢s deceptive needs, Fantine continues to find ways to get that money.She goes to every extent go the money they claim to need for Cosette. Fantine sells everything she has, and when she had nothing she sells herself. She becomes a prostitute as an alternative to earn money. The Thenardierââ¬â¢s use Cosette to get money from Fantine as needed. Fantine, being weak and trusting, does not know of their plans and her love for Cosette lets her fall into their scheme. The Thenardierââ¬â¢s take in Cosette because Fantine canââ¬â¢t take care of her and work at the same time. As Cosette gets older she becomes useful to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s.Her innocent childhood is taken away from her and she is treated like a slave. Cosette is used to clean and work around the house making stockings and other necessary things. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character and the way she is treated show the Thenardierââ¬â¢s authority. The way that the two daughters of the Thenardierââ¬â¢s wonââ¬â¢t play with Cosette reveals the superiority the daughters claim to have over Cosette. Cosette is different; she is small and skinny, for she doesnââ¬â¢t get fed as well; she is dirty and her clothes have holes, for doesnââ¬â¢t have the privilege of getting a bath; and she is used as help and treated as a slave.This shows the boundary that was put up between Cosette and the Thenardier girls. Cosette isnââ¬â¢t loved or cared for-only used. Her role plays into the plot of the book; after being beat and tortured by the evil Thenardierââ¬â¢s, itââ¬â¢s time for Cosette to be saved. Jean Valjean comes just in time to take Cosette away from these awful people. Cosette play an important role in the life of Jean Valjean. After being imprisoned for nineteen years and accused of many other crimes, Jean Valjean canââ¬â¢t find it in him to love or trust another human. Cosette changes that for him.When Jean Valjean first goes to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s and notices poor Cosette working away at knitting stockings while the other children play he connects with her. Jean Valjean then buys the stockings she is knitting and gives her permission to play. Cosette is shocked for she is never allowed to play, and Jean Valjean finds joy in watching this little girl content. When Jean Valjean takes Cosette from the Thenardiers, she becomes his ââ¬Å"daughter. â⬠Jean Valjean grows very attached to Cosette and learns to love and care for her. Cosette is used to show that a man in prison can change.Jean Valjean changes once Cosette enters his life. His actions become revolved a round the safety and happiness of her. Jean Valjean existence is centered on Cosette. As her character is developed with him, Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s outgoing love for others is revealed. Having Cosette in Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s life, it exposes us to a changed side of him. Through, Cosette, it is showed that a man in prison can become a good man. After adopting Cosette, taking her in, loving and caring for her, Jean Valjean and Cosetteââ¬â¢s relationship shows what a good man he has become.Cosette becomes Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s entity. He puts everything into her happiness. She symbolizes all he has. When she falls in love with Marius and leaves him, he has nothing. Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s reason for living dies and so does he. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character moves around many times throughout the novel. She spends a portion of the book with her mother, Fantine, who could not take care of her. Cosette becomes the object of Fantineââ¬â¢s poverty. Their relationship also exposes us to the theme of the unfulfilled love, since Cosette cannot return Fantineââ¬â¢s love at such a young age.Cosette then goes to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s where she presents us to this evil family who beat and abuse her. When Jean Valjean takes her in, Cosette reveals a side of Jean Valjean that has not yet been exposed- his loving side. Jean Valjean loves Cosette and supports and protects her. Cosette is used in many ways throughout the novel and by many different characters. Although she never becomes a well-rounded character, she plays an important role in the development of the other characters. Cosette touches each character she comes in contact with and each in a distinct way. Les Miserables Essay In Victor Hugoââ¬â¢s novel Les Miserableââ¬â¢s, one character plays a part in each of the other characterââ¬â¢s lives. Cosette, a little girl, is created to develop the rest of the ââ¬Å"miserablesâ⬠throughout the book. Fantine, Cosetteââ¬â¢s mother, digs herself into the shameless lifestyle of prostitution and poverty, while trying to support Cosette. The Thenardiers become her home while her mother leaves in search for work. There, Cosette is used to clean and work. Through Cosette, the Thenardierââ¬â¢s are shown as they beat and punish Cosette, their ââ¬Å"slaveâ⬠. Jean Valjean uses Cosette in a different way.He takes her in as his ââ¬Å"daughterâ⬠and finds companionship through her. Cosette is loved and cared for. As Cosetteââ¬â¢s character develops she is passed along from a pitiful mother who cannot support her; to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s who beat and starve her; then, to Jean Valjean who takes Cosette in where she becomes his everything. F antine, desperately in love with a man, Felix Tholomyes, whose feelings vary from hers, and yet she bears his child despite his fickle appearance. The illegitimate child, Cosette, is the outcome of her dying love toward him.Cosette is used to show Fantine as a ââ¬Å"miserable. â⬠Fantine leaves Cosette with the Thenardierââ¬â¢s and goes in search for a job to support Cosette. As Cosetteââ¬â¢s character grows, she reveals how pitiful Fantine becomes. Fantineââ¬â¢s devotion for Cosette, a little girl who is too young to give anything back in return, exposes us to one of the themes being forced to consider throughout the book, unrequited love. ââ¬Å"My child in not cold anymore, I dressed her in my hair. â⬠Fantine does everything she can to work for money to support Cosette. She sacrifices her hair so that Cosette will have clothes.Without Cosette Fantine could live her life for herself. She puts all her effort into a child that she does not see and which the chil d does not know who she is. The child, Cosette, is a symbol of all the love and everything Fantine put into a man who gave her nothing back. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character is used merely to show Fantine as she goes through life and through each step as she puts something into someone else, how ââ¬Å"miserableâ⬠she becomes. As the Thenardierââ¬â¢s continue to send Fantine bills for Cosetteââ¬â¢s deceptive needs, Fantine continues to find ways to get that money.She goes to every extent go the money they claim to need for Cosette. Fantine sells everything she has, and when she had nothing she sells herself. She becomes a prostitute as an alternative to earn money. The Thenardierââ¬â¢s use Cosette to get money from Fantine as needed. Fantine, being weak and trusting, does not know of their plans and her love for Cosette lets her fall into their scheme. The Thenardierââ¬â¢s take in Cosette because Fantine canââ¬â¢t take care of her and work at the same time. As Cosette gets older she becomes useful to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s.Her innocent childhood is taken away from her and she is treated like a slave. Cosette is used to clean and work around the house making stockings and other necessary things. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character and the way she is treated show the Thenardierââ¬â¢s authority. The way that the two daughters of the Thenardierââ¬â¢s wonââ¬â¢t play with Cosette reveals the superiority the daughters claim to have over Cosette. Cosette is different; she is small and skinny, for she doesnââ¬â¢t get fed as well; she is dirty and her clothes have holes, for doesnââ¬â¢t have the privilege of getting a bath; and she is used as help and treated as a slave.This shows the boundary that was put up between Cosette and the Thenardier girls. Cosette isnââ¬â¢t loved or cared for-only used. Her role plays into the plot of the book; after being beat and tortured by the evil Thenardierââ¬â¢s, itââ¬â¢s time for Cosette to be saved. Jean Valjean comes just in time to take Cosette away from these awful people. Cosette play an important role in the life of Jean Valjean. After being imprisoned for nineteen years and accused of many other crimes, Jean Valjean canââ¬â¢t find it in him to love or trust another human. Cosette changes that for him.When Jean Valjean first goes to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s and notices poor Cosette working away at knitting stockings while the other children play he connects with her. Jean Valjean then buys the stockings she is knitting and gives her permission to play. Cosette is shocked for she is never allowed to play, and Jean Valjean finds joy in watching this little girl content. When Jean Valjean takes Cosette from the Thenardiers, she becomes his ââ¬Å"daughter. â⬠Jean Valjean grows very attached to Cosette and learns to love and care for her. Cosette is used to show that a man in prison can change.Jean Valjean changes once Cosette enters his life. His actions become revolved a round the safety and happiness of her. Jean Valjean existence is centered on Cosette. As her character is developed with him, Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s outgoing love for others is revealed. Having Cosette in Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s life, it exposes us to a changed side of him. Through, Cosette, it is showed that a man in prison can become a good man. After adopting Cosette, taking her in, loving and caring for her, Jean Valjean and Cosetteââ¬â¢s relationship shows what a good man he has become.Cosette becomes Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s entity. He puts everything into her happiness. She symbolizes all he has. When she falls in love with Marius and leaves him, he has nothing. Jean Valjeanââ¬â¢s reason for living dies and so does he. Cosetteââ¬â¢s character moves around many times throughout the novel. She spends a portion of the book with her mother, Fantine, who could not take care of her. Cosette becomes the object of Fantineââ¬â¢s poverty. Their relationship also exposes us to the theme of the unfulfilled love, since Cosette cannot return Fantineââ¬â¢s love at such a young age.Cosette then goes to the Thenardierââ¬â¢s where she presents us to this evil family who beat and abuse her. When Jean Valjean takes her in, Cosette reveals a side of Jean Valjean that has not yet been exposed- his loving side. Jean Valjean loves Cosette and supports and protects her. Cosette is used in many ways throughout the novel and by many different characters. Although she never becomes a well-rounded character, she plays an important role in the development of the other characters. Cosette touches each character she comes in contact with and each in a distinct way.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Serpens essays
Serpens essays The constellation Serpens is very unique in many different ways. The most noticeable is that it lays in two parts; Serpens Caput which is the head of the serpent and Serpens Cauda, the tail of the serpent. These two separate constellations are joined to form one of the largest constellations in the sky. Serpens is also very unique because it is joined by another constellation, Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is a man holding onto the serpent. These two constellations appear right next to the Milky Way causing many star formations and exciting stellar activity within the two constellations. (Moore, 128) In 1604, a supernova with a magnitude of 2.5 appeared next to the right leg of Ophiuchus and dissipated in 1605. This supernova is known as Keplers Supernova. There are only three records of supernovas appearing in this galaxy, and this one is included. Because Ophiuchus and Serpens occupy such a wide celestial field in the West Side of the Milky Way, it is constantly being observed for new stellar activity. A mortal woman named Eoronius lay on a hillside preparing to give birth and she was with a man named Ischys. As Coronius waited for her son, the babys father, Apollo, looked down upon earth and witnessed Ischys with his lover. Apollo became insanely jealous and strung a bow piercing Coronius with an arrow. Coronius cried out You could have let me bear your child. Now, in my one person, two will parish. Apollo, not meaning to kill his unborn son as well, quickly swooped down and snatched the boy from Coronius lifeless womb. Apollo took his newly born son, Ophiuchus (also called Aesculapius in Greek mythology), to the cave of Chiron, the Centaur. During Ophiuchuss stay with Chiron, he taught the young boy the art of healing and of medicine. One day as Ophiuchus practiced his lesson, he came upon a snake which looked very deadly and poisonous. He quickly reacted and kill...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Outline a Novel the Master Guide (With Template!)
How to Outline a Novel the Master Guide (With Template!) How to Outline a Novel: an Author's Guide (with Template) Are your eyes tired of staring at a blank Word document? Are you sick of crashing and burning every time you try and start a novel? Well, we have the not-so-secret key to success right here: it involves learning how to outline a novel.Book outlines have saved the neck of many a bestselling writer - but the process behind them is mysterious at best. In this post, we pull back the curtain and show you (step-by-step) how to create a story outline. If youââ¬â¢re looking for some additional inspiration, skip to the appropriate section below to download a book outline template.The argument for outliningDonââ¬â¢t let the naysayers fool you: a story outline is the closest thing to a ââ¬Å"get out of jail freeâ⬠card in the long game of novel-writing.Time invested in a story outline is foresight gained for your novel. Imagine youââ¬â¢re a rock climber looking up at a tall cliff, for instance. You could just leap onto the rock and see what happens. You might reach the top this way - but thereââ¬â¢s a bigger chance that youââ¬â¢ll fall face-first or hit a dead-end along the way. Or: you could stay on the ground a little longer to read the route. This would enable you to climb faster, more fluidly, and with greater confidence in the near future.What is Plot? An Author's Guide to Storytelling Read post Identify the right novel outlineLike we mentioned, thereââ¬â¢s no one-size-fit-all for a novel outline. Think of it as a way of organizing your room - everyone tidies up differently.So if youââ¬â¢ve had trouble outlining in the past, you may be dealing with a classic case of square peg meets round hole. Trust that thereââ¬â¢s a story outline for every writer: itââ¬â¢s just a question of finding the right one to fit your mindset, personality, and writing style. Here we list a few ways that you can plan a work.ðŸâ" ºÃ¯ ¸ Mind Map A visual approach to outlining that shows the spatial relationships between your plot points, characters, themes, conflicts, chapters - you name it.ðŸââ Synopsis A holistic story outline that gives a brief overview of the storyââ¬â¢s plot, characters, conflicts, and themes in a two- to three-page paper.âš « The Beat Sheet Documents the beats of the story in shorthand. Each individual ââ¬Ëbeatââ¬â¢ gets a bullet (or a number). Examples of beat sheets are here and here.ðŸâ⬠The Skeleton Constructs the spine of the novel, or the key plot points. Imagine a roadmap with only big-name destinations marked in red - the road to get there is up to you.ðŸ⠥ Characters First A character-led novel outline. Prioritizes character development, character arcs, and character beats over planning of the plot.âž ¡Ã¯ ¸ Scenes and Sequences Details all the scenes and sequences - in other words, the large set pieces of the novel.When you have an idea of the novel outline that you want to produce, it's time to arm yourself with the right tools to execute it.What kind of writer are you?Letââ¬â¢s head to the armory, where your choice of outlining software will probably depend on your style of writing. Weââ¬â¢ve suggested some for you below - though old-fashioned pen and paper work perfectly fine, too.The Gardener In George R. R. Martinââ¬â¢s own words: ââ¬Å"Gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed, and water it. They kind of know what seed it is. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have. They find out as it grows.â⬠Since this kind of writer engages in organic world-building and character-building, a traditional novel outline probably wonââ¬â¢t be a natural fit for them - though a mind map might be useful.ðŸ⠨à Tools to consider if youââ¬â¢re a Gardener: Coggle, SimplenoteThe Architect Architects need to plan everything before they can get going. This kind of writer will know how many rooms are going into the house, where the sinkââ¬â¢s going to be, and what kind of wallpaper theyââ¬â¢re going to use.ðŸ⠨à Tools to consider if youââ¬â¢re an Architect: Scrivener, WorkflowyThe Designer Designers are somewhere in-between: they have a pencil sketch in place and like to have a good idea of what the painting will look like. However, they might not yet know what precise colors theyââ¬â¢re going to use. Theyââ¬â¢ll figure that out as they work.Though they might not rely on a strictly detailed novel outline, they may want to sketch out a skeleton of plot points.ðŸ⠨à Tools to consider if youââ¬â¢re a Designer: Scrivener, yWriterThe Knitter Knitters sit down and write scenes as they pop into their head. Theyââ¬â¢ll then go back and ââ¬Å"knitâ⬠the sequences together later. Since they might randomly have Scenes 2, 10, 11, and 27 down on paper, it becomes a question of ââ¬Å"filling in the blanks.â⬠To them, a novel outline will be helpful as long as it gives them freedom to move scenes around. (Think notecards or a corkboard.)ðŸ⠨à Tools to consider if youââ¬â¢re a Knitter: Trello, yWriterNow that youââ¬â¢re equipped, we can ask the million-dollar question: how do you outline a novel? Are you a Gardener or an Architect when you write? Double-check in this post How to outline a novel in 3 steps To make it easy for yourself, you can break the entire outlining process down into three stages:Step 1: Setting the stageStep 2: Organizing scenesStarting scenesBuilding scenesStep 3: Troubleshooting your story outlineIf youââ¬â¢ve already made progress with your story, donââ¬â¢t hesitate to hop to whichever step you need. How to create a book outline (and more tips) in three easy steps Step 1: Setting the stageWithout groundwork, your scenes (and story) will collapse in on itself. Thatââ¬â¢s why you first need to set the stage for your novel outline. Pick and structure your story outline based on what you think is key to your storytelling. If youââ¬â¢re writing a story with a huge cast of characters, you may want to include a column that tells you where each character is in every scene. If youââ¬â¢re juggling a lot of subplots and character arcs, use your novel outline to trace that.To give you some inspiration, we created a few different novel outline templates. Feel free to download them for your use and alter them however you need!Book Outline Template #1: A basic story outline that includes all of the common variables.Book Outline Template #2: A plot-oriented story outline that tracks each sceneââ¬â¢s relationship with your plots and subplotsà (inspired by J.K. Rowling's novel outline).Book Outline Template #3: A simple scene list.Step 3: Troubleshooting your story outlineDonââ¬â¢t worry if your story isnââ¬â¢t perfect yet. Thatââ¬â¢s one of the magical things about story outlines: itââ¬â¢s designed to let you spot your blind spots ahead of time.To troubleshoot your novel outline, first step back so that you can view your story through fresh eyes. Then bring out your highlighter - and be ready to be as ruthless as a cranky teacher wielding a red pen. Highlight wherever:An idea is left hanging in a sceneTwo scenes need a bridgeA scene is redundant or gratuitousA wild plot hole appearsIf you find yourself struggling while you plan your book, that might indicate an underlying weakness in your story that youââ¬â¢ll want to address. To give you an idea of what we mean, weââ¬â¢ve listed a couple of common symptoms (and potential treatments) below.Your story doesnââ¬â¢t really go anywhere. ðŸ⠡ The problem here may be a weak premise. Consider going back and perfecting it to a T. Whatââ¬â¢s the story question that will compel readers to flip the pages? (For instance: Is Katniss going to survive the Hunger Games?)Your pacing is uneven throughout the novel outline. ðŸ⠡ Mapping your story directly onto the structure of a story arc is one way to fix awkward scene placement and order. Hereââ¬â¢s a free 10-part course on the 3-Act Story Structure if youââ¬â¢d like to learn more about it.You donââ¬â¢t know what should come next. ðŸ⠡ Try to return to your characters to drive the plot. What would they do next if this happened? Where would that then take the story? If this is a persistent problem, itââ¬â¢ll probably be worth it to re-visit the character development phase and hone your understanding of your characters. Here's a free course on character development if you'd like to dive into it.Examples of story outlinesYou didnââ¬â¢t think that youââ¬â¢re the only writer out there whoââ¬â¢s outlining, did you? Many bestselling authors depend on story outlines to organize their thoughts and map out their books. Whether itââ¬â¢s J.K. Rowling or Joseph Heller, whatââ¬â¢s interesting is how they chose to plan their stories. To see even more examples of book outlines, check out this post over at Flavorwire. Check out J.K. Rowling's book outline for Order of the Phoenix - and more This story outline that James Salters created for Light Years sketches the sequences of the book, with choice character notes and dialogue inserted at random.TEMPLATE:à How to create a novel outline Get a free book outline template! "How to create a story outline in three steps" As a parting gift, here are the three book outline templates again. Feel free to change any particular book outline template to match your needsà - and if you have any suggestions or updates for them, please do feel free to drop us your thoughts in the comments. We hope that they're useful.Book Outline Template #1: A basic story outline that includes all of the common variables.Book Outline Template #2: A plot-oriented story outline that tracks each sceneââ¬â¢s relationship with your plots and subplots (inspired by J.K. Rowling's novel outline).Book Outline Template #3: A simple scene list.What kind of writer are you? Are you a Gardener or an Architect? If the former, what process do you use when you're outlining? Let us know in the comments.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Translating By Into Spanish
Translating By Into Spanish By is one of the English prepositions that is most confusing for Spanish students, because it can have many meanings. Before you try translating a sentence using by, you need to ask yourself, what does this word mean? In many cases, if you can reword the sentence to express the same thought or relationship in different words, you are well on your way to figuring out what you want to say in Spanish. Here are some of the most common meanings of by with examples of how the same thing can be said in Spanish. To Indicate the Agent or Cause Usually, you can say that something was created or put in its present condition by someone or something using the preposition por. If the word or phrase (known as an object) following by answers the question who or what did it? then por is your likely choice. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. Hamlet fue escrito por Shakespeare.The area affected by the sound is very large. La zona afectado por el sonido es muy grande.Ozone is a gas formed by the action of sunlight. El ozono es un gas que se forma por la accià ³n de la luz solar. As in the first example above, por is often used to indicate authorship. Thus, a book cover will usually indicate that the contents were written por the author. However, in sentences in English that can be reworded to use the name of an author as a description, the preposition de is usually used in translation: Volver is a film by Almodovar. (Volver is an Almodovar film.) Volver es una pelà cula de Almodà ³var.Where I can I buy books by Mark Twain in Spanish? (Where I can I buy Mark Twain books in Spanish?) à ¿Dà ³nde puedo comprar libros de Mark Twain en espaà ±ol? Means of Transportation Usually en or por can be used more or less interchangeably when indicating how someone or something travels, although en is more common. We are traveling by plane from New York to London. Viajamos en avià ³n desde Nueva York a Londres. Viajamos por avià ³n desde Nueva York a Londres.Traveling by car through Norway is easy and pleasant. Viajar en coche por Noruega es sencillo y agradable. In Time Elements When by means not later than, para can be used: I will be ready by 4.à Estarà © lista para las cuatro. Indicating Proximity When by means near or next to, cerca de or junta a can be used: There is a large park by the library. Hay un gran parque junto a la biblioteca.All the hotels are located by the beach. Todos los hoteles se encuentran ubicados cerca de la playa. Untranslated By With the Spanish Present Participle Spanish often uses present participles (the verb form ending in s: A fake doctor got rich by diagnosing nonexistent cancers. Un falso doctor se hizo rico diagnosticando cnceres inexistentes.By studying weekends, Susana will pass the test. Estudiando los fines de semana, Susana aprobar el examen. Note that in these examples, the English by could be omitted with little or no change in meaning. In Arithmetic To divide by is dividir entre, while to multiply by is multiplicar por. When dimensions are given, por is used: tres metros por seis, three by six meters. Meaning Per Where by is the rough equivalent of per, use por: Compramos los huevo por docenas.à We buy eggs by the dozen (per dozen). Idiomatic phrases Numerous idiomatic phrases using by often cant be translated word for word. The concept may be expressed in some other way in Spanish other than directly translating by. Some examples: I want to do it by myself. Quiero hacerlo sin ayuda. (The phrase is translated as the Spanish equivalent of without help.)You could follow our trip almost day by day thanks to Davids blog. Pudisteis seguir nuestro viaje casi dà a a dà a gracias al blog de David.We want to eat by candlelight. Queremos comer a las luz de las velas.Pablo introduced all the teachers to us one by one. Pablo nos presentà ³ uno a uno todos los profesores.What do you mean by difficult? à ¿Quà © quieres decir con dificil?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Bowdoin College and the Point of Education Essay
Bowdoin College and the Point of Education - Essay Example Bowdoin College's commitment to the common good is expressed in its mission, on the Academics ââ¬â Common Good page: ââ¬Å"A commitment to the common good isnââ¬â¢t just about giving back. Itââ¬â¢s about looking forward and connecting who you are and what you can do to a greater purpose. We all want to live in a better world, but itââ¬â¢s not always clear where to startâ⬠. The common good is what inspired me to choose Bowdoin College to attend. In my opinion, the academy has to justify its existence, it's funding. People are putting in their hard-earned money, through taxes, donations, grants and tuition, to subsidize this institution. It is true that expanding the boundaries of human knowledge is a worthy endeavour. But so are many other things that people could spend their money on. Bowdoin College distinguishes itself by giving back to the community. I am interested in the Bowdoin College community outreach programs. Not only are these programs excellent for the college to build its connection to the communities that it resides in, but this is also a great way to apply my skills immediately. I will learn how to interact with the community, with leaders, and get real-world experience while still in college! What a wonderful career builder, and a great way to build the contacts essential for my ongoing professional success. Bowdoin College recognizes that the point of education is to give back to our communities, and I am proud to consider this institution for that reason.
Friday, October 18, 2019
No need for topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
No need for topic - Assignment Example Race. This is a concept that defines and signifies elements of social conflicts and varied interests that describe different types of human bodies. It is a social and historical descriptor of individuals with great significance and cannot be used to divide individuals through any biological basis. Theory of racial formation. It states that a society is defined and made of racial subjects, both large and small, to which all individual hare subjected. Hence everyone abides to some grouping as a version of racial classification and of her own racial identity without any teaching or inculcation Racial project. A term thatch the authors have used to allow and facilitate deeper understanding of racism, in a partial context. A racial project can thus be defined as racist only when such a project creates and amplifies structures of domination over others purely on essentialism. Racial dictatorship. Refers to the stubborn persistent cases of racial inequality in a society, where one race is favored and gets special attention at the expense of others for being considered superior to another race in a social context. The article, Science and the Idea of Race: A Brief History by Smedley illustrates how historical developments in different sciences and the idea behind race were strongly interwoven, in understanding the background behind certain persons, and IQ tests and how the mental testing activities came to be developed in understanding different individual in terms of their mental capacity and abilities. The article investigates how race is connected to the above developments. Single origin theory of the universe. This is an important theory among Christians that unified all humanity and made them equal before the eyes of God as the universal being; it implied that even the savage could be made civilized making any human being equal. Psychic unity of the human kind explains that all men are of one species, and have been
Vietnamese Weasel Coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Vietnamese Weasel Coffee - Essay Example The plantation workers were not allowed to consume coffee beans picked from the coffee plantations. Driven by desire, they would pick up and clean the beans that had been excreted by the civet cats or weasels. It is argued that the weaselsââ¬â¢ digestive systems give the coffee beans a unique rich aroma, smooth and rounded taste. The plantation owners later began to appreciate the unique flavor and hence its popularity today. Coffee producers posit that this process of making coffee through collecting beans from civet cats improves the coffee through selection and digestion. The civets select the most appropriate cherries containing better beans. When ingested and goes through the digestion process, the beans are enhanced in flavor due to fermentation in the digestive tract. The intensive method of collecting coffee beans has given rise to a new system of farming where the civet cats are battery caged and fed on the coffee cherries which they later evacuate; they are collected, washed and sold to the manufacturers (Waltner-Toews 13).The coffee beans are also collected in the forests. This is as a good source of income for the collectors. The unique flavor of this brand of coffee is enhanced by the use of condensed milk as a creamer and sweetener. After the coffee beans are ground, they are put into a metal filter, mixed generously with condensed milk. Boiling water is then put and allowed to drip slowly i nto the cup. The condensed milk and coffee are then blended carefully with a spoon giving way to a smooth, wonderful mixture known as cafe sua da. This coffee has a stronger and rich flavor as compared to the western style coffee. Production of this coffee is continually becoming difficult as the newly acquired intensive farming methods of raring civet cats is being heavily criticised by animal rights groups.
History of Multicultural Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History of Multicultural Arts - Essay Example The young Moorhead depicted Wheatley in the act of writing one of her books. The open manuscript or book on her desk is proof enough that she is an educated woman from the African descent. She looks like she is deep in thought with her hands raised towards her cheeks and seems to pen, perhaps, one of her poems in the book. This portrait gives a distinguished view of an African woman during the colonial America (Cadge-Moore 67). Wheatley is noticeably in expensive clothes that a domestic servant during the colonial era would wear. The portrait gives viewers an approach into the lives of black people in New England. The portrait of Charles Calvert by John Hesselius, a white American artist during the colonial era, can be said to adhere to the traditions of colonial portraiture (Cadge-Moore 64). The portrait shows two young boys, one of them is black and the other one is white. They are both in detailed outfits; one is Charles Calvert, the son of Benedict Calvert, while the other is a y oung slave who belonged to the Calvert family. The African American slave seems to tilt his head quite stiffly to one side. These are the precedents found in the depictions in the 18th-19th century of African American slaves and their masters. ... The shade of color for the boy is extremely white, whereas the slave is shaded in as much of a dark color like the background. These two portraits differ substantially; in Scipio Moorhead's portrait, the focus is on the dignified view of the African woman during the colonial period. As aforementioned, Moorheadââ¬â¢s portrait gives insights of what educated black slaves did during the colonial era in New Zealand. John Hesseliusââ¬â¢s portrait focuses on the duties and color of the characters. There is no mentioning of what the characters do as their social activities and the drawing only promotes the differences that exist between the two races. Question 1: La Malinche also identified as Malinali or Dona Marina, was from the Gulf Coast of Mexico. She was a Nahua woman who played a hand in the Spanish conquest of Mexico and acted as a lover, interpreter and the intermediary for Hernan Cortes. Marina was among the slaves given to Cortes from the Tabasco natives in the year 1519. P eople identified La Malinche as Cortesââ¬â¢ mistress. They had their first son regarded by all as the Mestizos, their laymanââ¬â¢s term for a person of indigenous American ancestry and mixed European. Her historical figure is still mixed with the legends in Aztec, where there is a woman who weeps for lost children. Originally, artists portray La Malinche as an evil temptress in novels, drama, and paintings. Additionally, people viewed as a disloyal Mexican and today in Mexico there are numerous, conflicting aspects in which different people share their views. In the modern day world, she can represent a symbolic mother, a victim or temptress. Question 2: Syncretism can be defined as a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Organizational Change - Essay Example Failure to anchor the changes on corporate culture makes the change process to fail. Organizational culture is very critical to the success of the change process. As a result, when the management fails to incorporate the organization values and believes, they end up failing to implement changes. One of the major success pillars of change is the understanding and spelling out of the impact of the change process on the people (Burke, 2010). This enables the management to engage all the affected personnel. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process (Burke, 2010). This is because they are able to communicate effectively to the subordinates and act as role model to them. One of the companies that failed to implement change is Avon. The company failed because some leaders were not in support of the process. In addition, the employees were not involved in the change process. Lastly, there were no clear guidelines to implement the change
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Flayton Electronics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Flayton Electronics - Case Study Example While some hackers will do it for fun and for exploration, others are malicious people who will defraud companies of substantial amounts of money. This paper examines crucial steps that a Flatyton Electronics Company can take after their data is stolen, how it can communicate with its customers, and ways to curb this in future. Flayton has an obligation to protect its customerââ¬â¢s private data. For the last 25 years, Flayton has build a big business from trust customers has on the company. Regular customers pay their bills using credit cards, master cards and other bankcards. According to federal trade commission website (FTC) it is impossible to be in business and not hold personal identifying information. Such information includes credit card numbers, names and addresses, business partners, and other account numbers (ââ¬Å"FTC,â⬠N.d). There is an implied obligation of confidentiality to the stores and their staff. It is the duty of the management of a store to make sure that customerââ¬â¢s information does not leak to fraudulent third parties. Therefore, Flayton Electronicsââ¬â¢ management had an obligation to make sure that it employs credible employees who will keep customers information confidential. Additionally, it is an obligation of Flayton to make sure that its firewall remains working throughout to avoid hacking incidences. For this particular incidence, Flayton firewall remained down for sometime, which may have contributed to illegal access of customers personal data. All companies dealing with telephone card payments need to comply with all Payment card Industry (PCI) standards. PCI Security Council is not responsible for enforcing compliance but it is upon the company to comply (ââ¬Å"PCI Security Standardsâ⬠2011). Customers dealing with Flayton Electronics assume that this company is compliant with PCI standards and thus their personal data is secure. Unfortunately, Flayton Company was only 75% PCI compliant. The communication strategy adopted by the CEO of Flatyton Electronics to inform their customers of the potential security breach will determine its business in the next few years. Brett Flayton needs to be timely in informing the public. Although the compan y has little knowledge of what transpired with the customers credit cards, it is wise to be the first to inform the public. Timely communication will make the company win the publicââ¬â¢s trust. The longer Brett stays without informing the customers, the higher the risks of disclosure from another party where he will need to explain reasons for breaching its customers trust. Brett needs to explain to the security agents the reason for going public. He has the right to refuse to remain silent to enhance chances of catching the thieves as the law enforcing officersââ¬â¢ advice. However, the mode of communication adopted should be confidential to give a chance to the authorities to enforce laws on the victims. Brett can hold a meeting with the major customers, explain the latest discovery it has made on the security of cards, and detail any information in their hands now. Any defrauded customers will protect themselves from further frauds as a result. Consequently, it will have t o keep the customers informed on its latest discoveries. Additionally, Brett will have to convince the customers that the current measures the company has adopted will see to it that such an occurrence will not recur in future. Information on when it is safe to start using the cards again will be necessary. Flayton Electronicsââ¬â¢ brand was damaged by the security breach. The major core value of this company is to win the trust of customers through effective products and efficient services. Brett, the CEO
Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Organizational Change - Essay Example Failure to anchor the changes on corporate culture makes the change process to fail. Organizational culture is very critical to the success of the change process. As a result, when the management fails to incorporate the organization values and believes, they end up failing to implement changes. One of the major success pillars of change is the understanding and spelling out of the impact of the change process on the people (Burke, 2010). This enables the management to engage all the affected personnel. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process (Burke, 2010). This is because they are able to communicate effectively to the subordinates and act as role model to them. One of the companies that failed to implement change is Avon. The company failed because some leaders were not in support of the process. In addition, the employees were not involved in the change process. Lastly, there were no clear guidelines to implement the change
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nazi and Vatican Relations during WWII Essay Example for Free
Nazi and Vatican Relations during WWII Essay How was Vaticanââ¬â¢s relationship with the Nazi Germany during the War? The seat of the Roman Catholicism lies in the Vatican City- state with the Pope as the head of state and Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. As a religious institution the Vatican has internationally been recognized as a powerful and independent diplomatic service capable of forging agreements for peace in behalf of the entire Catholic congregation. In the last twenty years during the reign of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican had aggressively been active in an international promotion of peace thereby denouncing war and hostilities. Itââ¬â¢s involvement in international politics had been questioned as the historical sins of the Roman Catholic Church in the past centuries were brought to light. Presently, the Vatican is also heaped with blame for allowing WWII atrocities to befall on the Jewish community during the Holocaust. As the leader is the Catholic Church, the Vatican is supposedly a champion of humanitarian service. Yet it has received much criticism that leads us to question the Vaticanââ¬â¢s relationship with Nazi Germany during WWII through a genuine look into the positions taken and deeds committed by the Vatican and its officials. In 1933, the Vatican forged an alliance with Nazi Germany through a Concordat signed and administered by Nazi Vice Chancellor von Papen and Vaticanââ¬â¢s Cardinal Pacelli who later became Pope Pius XII according to Conway (2001:17). This treaty authorized the papacy to impose new church law on German Catholics at the same time granting generous privileges to Catholic schools and the clergy Langmuir (1998:9). According to Hen, the church sees this as an effort to curb the expansion of Protestantism in Germany and to secure civil guarantees for the Catholic institutions and their activities (2000: 139). Cardinal Pacelli had already arranged concordats with other individual German states and negotiating a concordat with the Reichââ¬â¢s new government could aid the Catholic Churchââ¬â¢s effort to prevent the spread of communism using Nazi as its bulwark in Alvarez and Graham (1997:13). Hen also added that the appeasement treaty asserted to give financial support to the churchââ¬â¢s schools and make Catholic religious education available in the public schools by instructors approved by the bishops, was the Churchââ¬â¢s reason for a concordat (2001: 41). Catholic priests and leaders who were once vocal in denouncing the Nazi movement took the signing of the treaty as an indication that the Roman Catholic Church had softened their opposition to socialism while some political commentators, journalists and historians believed that this event was a manifestation of Pope Pius XIââ¬â¢s and Cardinal Pacelliââ¬â¢s underlying motives in Langmuir(1998:9). Hitler and the Nazi Party interpreted the concordatââ¬â¢s ratification to mean that they had won the churchââ¬â¢s approval thereby allowing them the needed recognition in international politics and showing the world that the German Chancellor was politically reliable and trustworthy in Kick (2002:7). Likewise the Nazi Party relied on the Concordat policy to rise unopposed by the most powerful religious community in the world (Alvarez, 1997: 49). Hitlerââ¬â¢s power over churches advanced as he placed the church under administrative control while obligating German bishops to the Nazi state by endorsing Nazism as a positive Christianity in Hen (2002: 165). With the Catholic Churchââ¬â¢s withdrawal from social and political action, the concordat policy allowed the most disturbing extermination of the Jews carried out by the Nazi party in Europe in predominantly Catholic region according to Phayer (2000:xiii). The Nazi anti-Semitic values were then fanned throughout Europe as the German Catholic Church movement was subdued by the appeasement terms in the Concordat that Hitler do not wish to honor according to Conway (2001:68). Pius XI underestimated Hitlerââ¬â¢s influence with the belief that Germany would honor the appeasement treaties cited in the concordat and started condemning Nazism. Pope Pius XI died in 1939, just a few hours before he could deliver a blunt message condemning Nazism amidst rumors of murder according to Murphy and Arlington (1983:195). Cardinal Pacelli assumed as Pope Pius XII and removed Pius XIââ¬â¢s prior ban on Action Francaise which was an anti-Semitic organization according to Friedlander (1996:223). Pius XII failed to condemn the wave of atrocities committed by the Nazi against the Jews marked the extermination of European Jews after being hunted like animals, robbed of their possessions, homes and loved ones, subjected to physical and mental torture, summarily executed and killed according to Langmuir (1998:8). In 1941, Pope Pius XII reiterated his stand of remaining neutral when consistently asked by US delegates according to Friedlander (1997: 226). Vatican could never feign ignorance on the massacre of the Jews as it had it own diplomatic corps and representatives in many European countries through a papal nunciate (Hen, 2002:165). It was only in late 1942 when Pius XII spoke out against the Nazi while refusing to publicly denounce violence against the Jews. His silence without emitting a condemnation against Hitlerââ¬â¢s military aggression is a source of dispute which the church cannot claim ignorance to justify their silence. Conclusion It should be remembered that the Vaticanââ¬â¢s interest which lie foremost in the foreign policy of the concordat in 1933 to protect its properties and interests in Germany. Pius XII as Vaticanââ¬â¢s Secretary of State harbored fears of loosing the same privileges during the war which served as the background for non-intervention in Nazi affairs. Piusââ¬â¢s self-serving perspective goes beyond moral ascendancy that lies against the teachings of the church as it maintained a modicum of silence while Jews were exterminated en masse. Any condemnation against the atrocities would have carried great weight and would serve as a catalyst for the international committee to act for humanitarian reasons. Works Cited Alvarez,David and Graham, Robert. Nothing Sacred: Nazi Espionage against the Vatican, 1939-1945. Routledge,1997. Conway, J. S. The Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1933-1945. Regent College,2001. Hen, Chiang. Two Thousand Years with the Word.Institute for Christianity, 2000. Langmuir, Gavin L. Frankel, Jonathan. The Fate of the European Jews, 1939-1945: Continuity or Contingency? (ed. ) Oxford University Press, 1998. Kick, Russell. Everything you know is wrong: The Disinformation Guide to secrets and lies. The Disinformation Company, 2002. Murphy, Paul and Arlington,Rene. La Popessa. New York: Warner Books Inc, 1983. Friedlander, Saul. Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Persecution. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Phayer, Michael. The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965. Bloomington: Indiana University, 2000.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sexual Selection and Human Evolution Theories
Sexual Selection and Human Evolution Theories Miller, G.F. A review of sexual selection and human evolution: How mate choice shaped human nature Natural selection shapes species to adapt to their environments and arises from individual differences in survival ability- cannot favour ornamental traits that decrease survivorship. However, it is not sufficient to account for male traits such as peacocks tail that do not enhance survivorship but rather jeopardize it. Darwin argued that in species with sexual reproduction traits that improved ones chances in mate competition were selected for regardless of their negative effects for survival. Furthermore, Darwin emphasized the importance of female choice and male competition within the sexual selection because the former evokes the latter. However, Darwin does not investigate the origins of female preference (Ridley, M). Sexual selection was neglected for a long time because it implied the major evolutionary importance of female choice and it was not well accepted by the contemporaries of Darwin. Darwin: evolution is differential reproduction rather than differential reproduction. Novel concept. Hard to do mathematical analysis. Alfred Russell Wallace who wrote about natural selection at the same time with Darwin believed that exaggerated male ornaments and traits did not have an adaptive purpose and did not result from female choice but from good health and genes that allowed males to spend resources on display. He suggested that females are under stronger natural selection to have less ornamentation to avoid attention from predators because they spend lot of time near their offspring (Miller, 2000). Fisher (1930) believed that mate selection criteria were biological and thus, under natural selection. He suggested that male sexual ornaments served as indicators of high fitness and good genetic quality and would be selected by females (Miller, 2000). Furthermore, he coined the term runaway sexual selection, which suggests an evolutionary feedback mechanism where female preferences reinforce and perpetuate the traits selected for in males. In the case of runaway selection females choose to mate with males who display a certain trait, subsequently, it will be passed on to the offspring who will then have the trait that makes them more attractive mates. This ultimately leads to phenomenon such as peacocks tail. In Fishers model the male trait was not deleterious at the start but with females preferring a particular characteristic it passed its optimum cost-benefit ratio, and ultimately, costly traits arise as the outcome of runaway sexual selection (Ridley). Zahavi. Trivers (1972) was the first to explain the different intensity of sexual selection in males and females through unequal amount of parental investment. The production of gametes is more costly and time-consuming than that of sperm. Also, females invest more resources into offspring, therefore, they must be choosy and by mating with high-quality male they enhance the quality of their offspring. Since the number of available females limits male reproduction success males have to court and compete for the females. Trivers suggested that the level of competition among males is correlated with the imbalance of parental investment. For example, there is a great difference in body size between male and female elephant seals where one male can guard 40 females, resulting in strong male-male competition. (Le Boeuf, 1974). Trivers theory can be applied to bird species like pharalorpes and wading birds where it is the females who are bigger, more colourful and aggressive compete with each other for males and males take care of the offspring (Jenni, 1974). Importance of sexual selection theory: it was disregarded for the most part of 20th century and many science and humanities subjects were advanced without taking sexual selection into account, thus, many theories may need to be revised. Ridley, M., 1993, Evolution, Ch12 Adaptations in sexual reproduction Traits that reduce survivorship are deleterious and are mainly present in males as secondary sexual characteristics that are not actually necessary for reproduction; however, they may give an advantage in mate competition with other males. The most famous example of secondary sexual characteristics is peacocks tail but also colourful plumage of birds, big antlers in elks etc. Although these traits are costly they have not been eliminated by natural selection. Darwins sexual selection theory suggests that the disadvantages in having elaborate secondary sexual characteristics are evened out because they convey a benefit in gaining access to females and increasing reproductive success. Darwin distributes sexual selection into two categories: male competition and female choice. Darwin argued that secondary sexual characteristics would be more developed in polygamous species where typically one male mates with several females because the selection for male traits that enhance reproduction will be greater. He provided evidence for sexual selection by comparing polygamous and monogamous species and showed that in the former males tend to have brighter colouring, ornaments and larger bodies whereas in the latter males and females differ less. Another theory that tries to explain mate choice criteria is Zahavis handicap theory (Zahavi, 1975). According to this, only males with good genes can survive with a handicapping trait, such as peacocks tail and females will prefer to mate with them. Selection will favour males with handicap traits if their good genes outweigh the cost of the trait. The high cost of handicapping character makes it an honest indicator of males quality. In his model the preferred male trait was costly to begin with and the expense did not change as the trait became more desired in females. Archer,J, Lloyd, B, 2002, Sex and gender, Ch 3 Origins Sexual selection entails female choice and females should choose mates according to their ability to provide the female and her offspring with resources and protection. Buss (1989) studied human mate preferences in 37 cultures and concluded that there is a strong trend for females valuing mates with greater financial capacity, ambition and sense of entrepreneurship. Archer and Lloyd suggest that this is consistent with Triverss theory where females are interested in finding a partner who would be able to invest more parental care into offspring by providing resources. Males preferred physical attractiveness and youth, which are traits correlated with reproductive capacity (Buss, 1989). Miller, G.F., 2000, The mating mind: How sexual choice shaped the evolution of human nature Darwin became interested in different animal ornamentation that he encountered on his around-the-world-trip on the board of the Beagle. In 1871 he published The decent of man, and selection in relation to sex where amongst other topics he wrote about sexual selection. Sexual selection shapes each sex in relation to the other sex. Many of Darwins ideas were attacked but after a century it was rediscovered. Dawkins, R., 1989, The selfish gene, Battle of the sexes One of the main female strategies of reproduction is that instead of expecting help from the male to raise the offspring the female prefers good genes instead. If a female can detect good quality males by using visual cues than her offspring will receive on better genetic material. By doing so the likelihood of her genes to survive increases too. Emlen, S.T., Oring, L.W., 1977, Ecology, sexual selection and the evolution of mating systems Environmental factors affect the development of mating systems and ultimately the intensity of sexual selection. Fitness is a measure for individuals reproductive success in relation to that of other individuals. Male reproductive success is limited by the access to females, whereas female reproductive success is determined by the available resources. Subsequently, if females limit the reproduction of males then the competition and sexual selection will intensify in males. The ability of a male to protect territory or other resources attracts more females and causes differences in the mating success of other males. The presence of polygamous and monogamous mating systems depends on environmental factors such as the availability of receptive mates and the distribution of resources in time and space, which affects their defensibility. Polygamy is more common in species where one sex is does not invest parental care, and thus, can spend time and energy on defending resources and competi ng for mates. Emlen and Oring (1977) suggest that sexual selection is stronger in polygamous species than in monogamous species. They point out that the more one sex manages to monopolize resources the stronger becomes sexual selection and the more likely is the development of polygamous mating system. Moreover, the mating system can differ between populations of the same species due to variations in environmental setting, population structure and density, amount and distribution of resources that all change the potential of monopolization. Andersson, M., Iwasa, Y., 1996, Sexual selection Sexual selection occurs through competition over mates, which is also the underlying factor of different mechanisms of sexual selection. Andersson and Iwasa (1996) list these different mechanisms: firstly, female and male choice of mate that has been demonstrated in numerous studies acts to favour traits that attract mates from the opposite sex; secondly, contests that can take the form of direct fighting and favour traits such as large body size, physical stamina, weaponry and other characteristics that enhance fighting ability in the competing sex; thirdly, endurance rivalry that promotes traits to retain reproductive activeness for longer to increase the possibility of mating. Furthermore, they also suggest scramble competition that promotes traits that help in finding the mate before others, such as earlier maturation or better locomotion skills. In addition, other mechanisms are infanticide, coercion and sperm competition. As Andersson and Iwasa (1996) point out, the majority of research has concerned mate choice and mate competition, whereas other mechanisms of sexual selection remain poorly examined. Owens and Thompson (1994) suggest that optimal mate choice is a trade-off between the number of mates and their quality. They argue that both males and females can be picky; however, the selection will be greater in the sex with higher reproductive rate. Batemans gradient explains the differential intensity of sexual selection in males and females. In his studies with Drosophila, Bateman showed that sexual selection is typically stronger in males because the number of offspring fathered by a male increases proportionally with the number of males, whereas the number of offspring remains the same for the female regardless of the amount of males she mates. Male secondary sexual characteristics may become more pronounced if they increase their reproductive success, although if it reduces the overall viability. The costs of these characteristics include higher threat of predation; large bodies pose higher energetic demands and increase the likelihood of starvation during the growth period; competition may lead to injuries and death. Thus, the extent of secondary sexual characteristics is limited by their costliness and by sexual selection itself if one favoured trait starts to compromise another selected trait. Sexual selection affects the genetic make-up of the offspring and thus, is an important factor in evolution. It is currently very difficult to discriminate between the different mechanisms of sexual selection and their importance.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Olfactory Process and its Effect on Human Behavior :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Olfactory Process and its Effect on Human Behavior Early childhood memories can be evoked by many triggers, of which one of the most powerful is a particular smell. A couple of years ago, I was unpacking boxes of Christmas decorations from the attic. One of the boxes contained old, partially melted candles that were to be put on the fireplace mantle and lit on Christmas Eve. Unrolling each uniquely fragrant candle from the yellowed newspaper, I suddenly had a vivid recollection of a childhood experience. I was between the ages of two and three, wandering through a candle store with my parents in the Greek section of Detroit, Michigan. I gazed wide-eyed at the seemingly endless shelves of wax figurines, reaching through the restraining arms of my father in attempts to feel their smooth contours. After slowly returning to reality, I realized that the smell of the candles being used to decorate for the holidays triggered my earliest memory of childhood. I thought about the memory frequently after that, and longed to return to the store to see if my physical presence there would evoke other memories. When I visited Detroit a few months ago, I was disappointed to discover that the store had long been out of business and only my new memory would remain. I found it somewhat disturbing that my earliest memory was of an insignificant retail store that would have no bearing on my adult life. Why did I not remember a more significant event, such as an early Christmas, or my second birthday? The answer is that the sense of smell, that is, olfaction, has a powerful command over many behaviors, including memory. Intrigued with this connection as an example of sensory input influencing behavior, it is my goal to examine the neurobiology of the olfaction process in humans and to investigate the ways in which odors elicit particular behaviors. For humans, olfaction is a primitive sense, whereas other mammals, birds and insects rely predominately on their sense of smell for survival. The approach of a charging bear would be recognized by a human within seconds of its attack, while a dog would have certainly caught his scent long before the human companion had any knowledge of the bear's presence. Although smell seems far less meaningful to humans, there is an important link between olfaction and behavior. For example, in my memory described above, the simple visual cues provided by the sight of any ordinary candle does not evoke my memory of the sweet smelling store.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorders Essay -- Diseases,Disorders
Abstractââ¬â This paper discusses the potential of using technologies in the diagnosis, study and intervention treatments of autism. The first part of paper introduces background information on autism spectrum disorder. The second part deals with review of literature survey. The third part summarizes our proposed research work on the connected topic. The fourth part concludes our work as whole. Keywordsââ¬â autism, discrete trail training, applied behaviour analysis, voice output communication aids I. INTRODUCTION The present paper addresses various innovative assistive technology used in diagnosis and treatment of pervasive developmental disorders such as autism. Autism is a developmental disability that is usually noticeable the present paper addresses various innovative assistive technology used in diagnosis and treatment of pervasive developmental disorders such as autism. Autism is a developmental disability that is usually noticeable in the early stages of life preferably in the age groups of one to three years. The common impairments found in the autistic communities are social interactions, communication, controlled interests and recurring behavior etc. The cause for autism is still mysterious. Scientists are working to find out various factors that cause autism. Some of them believe that the changes in environment and genetics might be the key cause. Till now there are no suitable medicines or treatments to cure autism, but using appropriate therapies such as applied and verbal behavioral analysis the impairments of autistic children could be eliminated or reduced to an extent. II. RELATED WORK In this subsection, a list of related works will be briefly described. Gregory D. Abowd, Julie A. Kientz[1] working at G... ...Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB, UNITED KINGDOM, [Online] Available : http://homepages.feis.herts.ac.uk/~comqkd/ [8] Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Paul Dickerson, (2009), Proc The second international conferences on Advances in Computer Human Interactions, Cancun, Mexico [9] Megan Davis, Nuno Otero, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, and Stuart D. Powell, (2007), Creating a software to promote understanding about narrative in children with autism: reflecting on the design of feedback and opportunities to reason, University of Hertfordshire, Adaptive Systems Research Group, School of Computer Science, School of Education, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK [10] William Farr Nicola Yuill, Hayes Raffle, (2009), Collaborative Benefits of a Tangible Interface for Autistic Children, ACM 978-1-60558-246-7/08/04, Boston, MA, USA.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Anderson Leadership Management Contribution to Success or Failure
Analyze the leadership and management at Arthur Andersen and evaluate its contribution to the companyââ¬â¢s success and failure. Leadership has been defined as the individual traits, behavior, interaction patterns, role relationships, follower perceptions, the influence over the followers, task goals and organizational culture (Yuki, 1989). Through the years, the firm Arthur Anderson has gone through many leaders and their style and leadership and behavior has affected the firm in certain ways.From the beginning when the leadership role was in the hands of Arthur Anderson, he placed very strong emphasis on ethics and demanded honest accounting from all his employees despite the conflict of interest amongst some of his clients. His pacesetting leadership style requires all new partners and employees to undergo a series of mandatory trainings annually to ensure that all of them were able to remain focused on the companyââ¬â¢s philosophy and values.Pacesetting leadership style dem ands the followers to do as the leader says and such a leadership style produces positive results only if the team is already motivated and skilled. Which in this case, Arthur Anderson has it covered. However, when used extensively, it could overwhelm and stifle the teamââ¬â¢s innovation which was what we observed of the firm when analysts view the training process as ââ¬Å"making of androidsâ⬠. The stifling of innovation may not be such a huge issue at this point as creativity and innovation was not what Arthur Anderson was looking for in his team but instead, structure and following the books.Furthermore, while leading the team, he had a directive leadership behavior which refers to assigning team members specific tasks, clarifying expectations on their work and setting rules and regulations to be followed etc. This behavior pattern has been known to initiate structure which is the goal of Arthur Anderson which explains the success of his leadership during his time. When Arthur Anderson passed on, Leonard Spacek took over the rein of leadership and made use of the authoritative leadership style by coming up with a new logo that he thinks ââ¬Å"epitomized the common visionâ⬠that he has or the firm. This style of leadership is effective when the team needs a new vision as circumstances have changed which was true as the firm now has to readjust themselves to the leadership of Spacek instead of Anderson. Such style of leadership inspires entrepreneurial spirit and vibrant enthusiasm for firm which proves success. As the years went by, the leaders that followed up had their priorities wrong and lost focus of what was built throughout the years. The rules and standards set were gradually removed from the system.Eg: the mandatory 2 year audit practice was removed. Such leaders will model the wrong behaviors and will inevitably spread themselves too thin and organizations are at the greatest risk when leaders lose their focus and led to the failure of Anderson. Leaders who are self-serving will also cause the downfall of a firm as it would cause the team to have no confidence in him. For example, Kapnick was reportedly said to have wanted to head both departments by himself and it could have been one of the reasons why the other partners lost trust in him causing him to resign.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Host Chapter 27: Undecided
I felt my way back to my prison hole. It had been weeks and weeks since I'd been down this particular corridor; I hadn't been back since the morning after Jared had left and Jeb had set me free. It seemed to me that while I lived and Jared was in the caves, this must be where I belonged. There was no dim light to greet me now. I was fairly sure I was in the last leg-the turns and twists were still vaguely familiar. I let my left hand drag against the wall as low as I could reach, feeling for the opening as I crept forward. I wasn't decided on crawling back inside the cramped hole, but at least it would give me a reference point, letting me know that I was where I meant to be. As it happened, I didn't have the option of inhabiting my cell again. In the same moment that my fingers brushed the rough edge at the top of the hole, my foot hit an obstacle and I stumbled, falling to my knees. I threw my hands out to catch myself, and they landed with a crunch and a crackle, breaking through something that wasn't rock and didn't belong here. The sound startled me; the unexpected object frightened me. Perhaps I'd made a wrong turn and wasn't anywhere near my hole. Perhaps I was in someone's living space. I ran through the memory of my recent journey in my head, wondering how I could have gotten so turned about. Meanwhile, I listened for some reaction to my crashing fall, holding absolutely still in the darkness. There was nothing-no reaction, no sound. It was only dark and stuffy and humid, as it always was, and so silent that I knew I must be alone. Carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible, I took stock of my surroundings. My hands were stuck in something. I pulled them free, tracing the contours of what felt like a cardboard box-a cardboard box with a sheet of thin, crackly plastic on top that my hands had fallen through. I felt around inside the box and found a layer of more crackly plastic-small rectangles that made a lot of noise when I handled them. I retreated quickly, afraid of drawing attention to myself. I remembered that I'd thought I'd found the top of the hole. I searched to my left and found more stacks of cardboard squares on that side. I tried to find the top of the stack and had to stand in order to do so-it was as high as my head. I searched until I found the wall, and then the hole, exactly where I'd thought it was. I tried to climb in to ascertain if it really was the same place-one second on that bowed floor and I would know it for certain-but I could not get any farther than the opening. It, too, was crammed full of boxes. Stymied, I explored with my hands, moving back out into the hall. I found I could go no deeper down the passageway; it was entirely filled with the mysterious cardboard squares. As I hunted along the floor, trying to understand, I found something different from the crowd of boxes. It was rough fabric, like burlap, a sack full of something heavy that shifted with a quiet hissing sound when I nudged it. I kneaded the sack with my hands, less alarmed by the low hiss than by the plastic crackle-it seemed unlikely that this sound would alert anyone to my presence. Suddenly, it all came clear. It was the smell that did it. As I played with the sand-like material inside the bag, I got an unexpected whiff of a familiar scent. It took me back to my bare kitchen in San Diego, to the low cupboard on the left side of the sink. In my head I could see so clearly the bag of uncooked rice, the plastic measuring cup I used to dole it out, the rows of canned food behind itâ⬠¦ Once I realized that I was touching a bag of rice, I understood. I was in the right place after all. Hadn't Jeb said they used this place for storage? And hadn't Jared just returned from a long raid? Now everything the raiders had stolen in the weeks they'd been gone was dumped in this out-of-the-way place until it could be used. Many thoughts ran through my head at once. First, I realized that I was surrounded by food. Not just rough bread and weak onion soup, but food. Somewhere in this stack, there could be peanut butter. Chocolate chip cookies. Potato chips. Cheetos. Even as I imagined finding these things, tasting them again, being full for the first time since I'd left civilization, I felt guilty for thinking of it. Jared hadn't risked his life and spent weeks hiding and stealing to feed me. This food was for others. I also worried that perhaps this wasn't the entire haul. What if they had more boxes to stow? Would Jared and Kyle be the ones to bring them? It didn't take any imagination at all to picture the scene that would result if they found me here. But wasn't that why I was here? Wasn't that exactly what I'd needed to be alone to think about? I slouched against the wall. The rice bag made a decent pillow. I closed my eyes-unnecessary in the inky darkness-and settled in for a consultation. Okay, Mel. What now? I was glad to find that she was still awake and alert. Opposition brought out her strength. It was only when things were going well that she drifted away. Priorities, she decided. What's most important to us? Staying alive? Or Jamie? She knew the answer. Jamie, I affirmed, sighing out loud. The sound of my breath whispered back from the black walls. Agreed. We could probably last awhile if we let Jeb and Ian protect us. Will that help him? Maybe. Would he be more hurt if we just gave up? Or if we let this drag on, only to have it end badly, which seems inevitable? She didn't like that. I could feel her scrambling around, searching for alternatives. Try to escape? I suggested. Unlikely, she decided. Besides, what would we do out there? What would we tell them? We imagined it together-how would I explain my months of absence? I could lie, make up some alternative story, or say I didn't remember. But I thought of the Seeker's skeptical face, her bulging eyes bright with suspicion, and knew my inept attempts at subterfuge would fail. They'd think I took over, Melanie agreed. Then they'd take you out and put her in. I squirmed, as if a new position on the rock floor would take me further away from the idea, and shuddered. Then I followed the thought to its conclusion. She'd tell them about this place, and the Seekers would come. The horror washed through us. Right, I continued. So escape is out. Right, she whispered, emotion making her thought unstable. So the decision isâ⬠¦ quick or slow. Which hurts him less? It seemed that as long as I focused on practicalities I could keep at least my side of the discussion numbly businesslike. Melanie tried to mimic my effort. I'm not sure. On the one hand, logically, the longer the three of us are together, the harder ourâ⬠¦ separation would be for him. Then again, if we didn't fight, if we just gave upâ⬠¦ he wouldn't like that. He'd feel betrayed by us. I looked at both sides she'd presented, trying to be rational about it. Soâ⬠¦ quick, but we have to do our best not to die? Go down fighting, she affirmed grimly. Fighting. Fabulous. I tried to imagine that-meeting violence with violence. Raising my hand to strike someone. I could form the words but not the mental picture. You can do it, she encouraged. I'll help you. Thanks, but no thanks. There has to be some other way. I don't get you, Wanda. You've given up on your species entirely, you're ready to die for my brother, you're in love with the man I love who is going to kill us, and yet you won't let go of customs that are entirely impractical here. I am who I am, Mel. I can't change that, though everything else may change. You hold on to yourself; allow me to do the same. But if we're going to ââ¬â She would have continued to argue with me, but we were interrupted. A scuffing sound, shoe against rock, echoed from somewhere back down the corridor. I froze-every function of my body arrested but my heart, and even that faltered jaggedly-and listened. I didn't have long to hope that I'd just imagined the sound. Within seconds, I could hear more quiet footsteps coming this way. Melanie kept her cool, whereas I was lost to panic. Get on your feet, she ordered. Why? You won't fight, but you can run. You have to try something-for Jamie. I started breathing again, keeping it quiet and shallow. Slowly, I rolled forward till I was on the balls of my feet. Adrenaline coursed through my muscles, making them tingle and flex. I would be faster than most who would try to catch me, but where would I run to? ââ¬Å"Wanda?â⬠someone whispered quietly. ââ¬Å"Wanda? Are you here? It's me.â⬠His voice broke, and I knew him. ââ¬Å"Jamie!â⬠I rasped. ââ¬Å"What are you doing? I told you I needed to be alone.â⬠Relief was plain in his voice, which he now raised from the whisper. ââ¬Å"Everybody is looking for you. Well, you know, Trudy and Lily and Wes-that everybody. Only we're not supposed to let anyone know that's what we're doing. No one is supposed to guess that you're missing. Jeb's got his gun again. Ian's with Doc. When Doc's free, he'll talk to Jared and Kyle. Everybody listens to Doc. So you don't have to hide. Everybody's busy, and you're probably tiredâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ As Jamie explained, he continued forward until his fingers found my arm, and then my hand. ââ¬Å"I'm not really hiding, Jamie. I told you I had to think.â⬠ââ¬Å"You could think with Jeb there, right?â⬠ââ¬Å"Where do you want me to go? Back to Jared's room? This is where I'm supposed to be.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not anymore.â⬠The familiar stubborn edge entered his voice. ââ¬Å"Why is everyone so busy?â⬠I asked to distract him. ââ¬Å"What's Doc doing?â⬠My attempt was unsuccessful; he didn't answer. After a minute of silence, I touched his cheek. ââ¬Å"Look, you should be with Jeb. Tell the others to stop looking for me. I'll just hang out here for a while.â⬠ââ¬Å"You can't sleep here.â⬠ââ¬Å"I have before.â⬠I felt his head shake in my hand. ââ¬Å"I'll go get mats and pillows, at least.â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't need more than one.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm not staying with Jared while he's being such a jerk.â⬠I groaned internally. ââ¬Å"Then you stay with Jeb and his snores. You belong with them, not with me.â⬠ââ¬Å"I belong wherever I want to be.â⬠The threat of Kyle finding me here was heavy on my mind. But that argument would only make Jamie feel responsible for protecting me. ââ¬Å"Fine, but you have to get Jeb's permission.â⬠ââ¬Å"Later. I'm not going to bug Jeb tonight.â⬠ââ¬Å"What is Jeb doing?â⬠Jamie didn't answer. It was only at that point I realized he had deliberately not answered my question the first time. There was something he didn't want to tell me. Maybe the others were busy trying to find me, too. Maybe Jared's homecoming had returned them to their original opinion about me. It had seemed that way in the kitchen, when they'd hung their heads and eyed me with furtive guilt. ââ¬Å"What's going on, Jamie?â⬠I pressed. ââ¬Å"I'm not supposed to tell you,â⬠he muttered. ââ¬Å"And I'm not going to.â⬠His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and his face pressed against my shoulder. ââ¬Å"Everything is going to be all right,â⬠he promised me, his voice thick. I patted his back and ran my fingers through his tangled mane. ââ¬Å"Okay,â⬠I said, agreeing to accept his silence. After all, I had my secrets, too, didn't I? ââ¬Å"Don't be upset, Jamie. Whatever it is, it will all work out for the best. You're going to be fine.â⬠As I said the words, I willed them to be true. ââ¬Å"I don't know what to hope for,â⬠he whispered. As I stared into the dark at nothing in particular, trying to understand what he wouldn't say, a faint glow caught my eye at the far end of the hallway-dim but conspicuous in the black cave. ââ¬Å"Shhh,â⬠I breathed. ââ¬Å"Someone is coming. Quick, hide behind the boxes.â⬠Jamie's head snapped up, toward the yellow light that was getting brighter by the second. I listened for the accompanying footsteps but heard nothing. ââ¬Å"I'm not going to hide,â⬠he breathed. ââ¬Å"Get behind me, Wanda.â⬠ââ¬Å"No!â⬠ââ¬Å"Jamie!â⬠Jared shouted. ââ¬Å"I know you're back here!â⬠My legs felt hollow, numb. Did it have to be Jared? It would be so much easier for Jamie if Kyle were the one to kill me. ââ¬Å"Go away!â⬠Jamie shouted back. The yellow light sped up and turned into a circle on the far wall. Jared stalked around the corner, the flashlight in his hand sweeping back and forth across the rock floor. He was clean again, wearing a faded red shirt I recognized-it had hung in the room where I'd lived for weeks and so was a familiar sight. His face was also familiar-it wore exactly the same expression it had since the first moment I'd shown up here. The beam of the flashlight hit my face and blinded me; I knew the light reflected brilliantly off the silver behind my eyes, because I felt Jamie jump-just a little start, and then he set himself more firmly than before. ââ¬Å"Get away from it!â⬠Jared roared. ââ¬Å"Shut up!â⬠Jamie yelled back. ââ¬Å"You don't know her! Leave her alone!â⬠He clung to me while I tried to unlock his hands. Jared came on like a charging bull. He grabbed the back of Jamie's shirt with one hand and yanked him away from me. He held on to his handful of fabric, shaking the boy while he yelled. ââ¬Å"You're being an idiot! Can't you see how it's using you?â⬠Instinctively, I shoved myself into the tight space between them. As I'd intended, my advance made him drop Jamie. I didn't want or need what else happened-the way his familiar smell assaulted my senses, the way the contours of his chest felt under my hands. ââ¬Å"Leave Jamie alone,â⬠I said, wishing for once that I could be more like Melanie wanted me to be-that my hands could be hard now, that my voice could be strong. He snatched my wrists in one hand and used this leverage to hurl me away from him, into the wall. The impact caught me by surprise, knocked the breath out of me. I rebounded off the stone wall to the floor, landing in the boxes again, making another crinkly crash as I shredded through more cellophane. The pulse thudded in my head as I lay awkwardly bent over the boxes, and for a moment, I saw strange lights pass in front of my eyes. ââ¬Å"Coward!â⬠Jamie screamed at Jared. ââ¬Å"She wouldn't hurt you to save her own life! Why can't you leave her alone?â⬠I heard the boxes shifting and felt Jamie's hands on my arm. ââ¬Å"Wanda? Are you okay, Wanda?â⬠ââ¬Å"Fine,â⬠I huffed, ignoring the throbbing in my head. I could see his anxious face hovering over me in the glow of the flashlight, which Jared must have dropped. ââ¬Å"You should go now, Jamie,â⬠I whispered. ââ¬Å"Run.â⬠Jamie shook his head fiercely. ââ¬Å"Stay away from it!â⬠Jared bellowed. I watched as Jared grabbed Jamie's shoulders and yanked the boy up from his crouch. The boxes this displaced fell on me like a small avalanche. I rolled away, covering my head with my arms. A heavy one caught me right between the shoulder blades, and I cried out in pain. ââ¬Å"Stop hurting her!â⬠Jamie howled. There was a sharp crack, and someone gasped. I struggled to pull myself out from under the heavy carton, rising up on my elbows dizzily. Jared had one hand over his nose, and something dark was oozing down over his lips. His eyes were wide with surprise. Jamie stood in front of him with both hands clenched into fists, a furious scowl on his face. Jamie's scowl melted slowly while Jared stared at him in shock. Hurt took its place-hurt and a betrayal so deep that it rivaled Jared's expression in the kitchen. ââ¬Å"You aren't the man I thought you were,â⬠Jamie whispered. He looked at Jared as though Jared were very far away, as if there were a wall between them and Jamie was utterly isolated on his side. Jamie's eyes started to swim, and he turned his head, ashamed of showing weakness in front of Jared. He walked away with quick, jerky movements. We tried, Melanie thought sadly. Her heart ached after the child, even as she longed for me to return my eyes to the man. I gave her what she wanted. Jared wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the blackness into which Jamie had disappeared, his hand still covering his nose. ââ¬Å"Aw, damn it!â⬠he suddenly shouted. ââ¬Å"Jamie! Get back here!â⬠There was no answer. Jared threw one bleak glance in my direction-I cringed away, though his fury seemed to have faded-then scooped up the flashlight and stomped after Jamie, kicking a box out of his way. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry, okay? Don't cry, kid!â⬠He called out more angry apologies as he turned the corner and left me lying in the darkness. For a long moment, it was all I could do to breathe. I concentrated on the air flowing in, then out, then in. After I felt I had that part mastered, I worked on getting up off the floor. It took a few seconds to remember how to move my legs, and even then they were shaky and threatened to collapse under me, so I sat against the wall again, sliding over till I found my rice-filled pillow. I slumped there and took stock of my condition. Nothing was broken-except maybe Jared's nose. I shook my head slowly. Jamie and Jared should not be fighting. I was causing them so much turmoil and unhappiness. I sighed and went back to my assessment. There was a vast sore spot in the center of my back, and the side of my face felt raw and moist where it had hit the wall. It stung when I touched it and left warm fluid on my fingers. That was the worst of it, though. The other bruises and scrapes were mild. As I realized that, I was unexpectedly overwhelmed by relief. I was alive. Jared had had his chance to kill me and he had not used it. He'd gone after Jamie instead, to make things right between them. So whatever damage I was doing to their relationship, it was probably not irreparable. It had been a long day-the day had already been long even before Jared and the others had shown up, and that seemed like eons ago. I closed my eyes where I was and fell asleep on the rice.
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